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How to Help: Rolling

milestones pediatrics physical therapy rolling

Parents often look forward to seeing their babies achieve new developmental milestones, such as rolling over. This is an important milestone in a baby's physical development, as it helps them build strength and coordination that they will need for crawling, standing, and walking later on. 

1. Give your baby plenty of tummy time. Spending time on their tummy will help your baby build the neck, shoulder, and core muscles they need to roll over. Place your baby on a blanket or mat on the floor, and get down on the floor with them to interact and motivate them. 

2. Place a toy or other object of interest to the baby on one side to encourage them to reach and turn their head. This can encourage them to start shifting their weight and eventually roll over. 

3. When your baby is on their back, place your hands on either side of their body and gently help them rock back and forth from side to side. This will help them build the momentum they need to roll over. 

4. Practice sitting up. You can practice sitting up by supporting your baby in a sitting position and encouraging them to sit up on their own. This activates a lot of the same muscles and coordination needed for rolling.

5. Don't force it. Every baby develops at their own pace, so don't worry if your little one hasn't rolled over yet. As long as they are getting plenty of tummy time and other opportunities to move and play, they will reach this milestone when they are ready. 

Remember, rolling over is just one milestone in a baby's development. It's important to provide plenty of opportunities for movement and play, both on their back and on their tummy, to support your baby's overall physical and cognitive development. If you have any concerns about your baby's development, you can always reach out to me below!


To get my ebook, "Milestones: A Step by Step Guide," simply click here.



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